Kun Iam Statue

Kun Iam Statue in Macau: Walkway


Located along the Outer Harbour, the Pusat Ekumenis Kun Iam (commonly called the Kun Iam Statue) sits on an artificial island connected to the mainland via Avenue Dr. Sun Yat-Sen. The public art complex is a centre of religions and thoughts, including Buddhism, Confuciusm and Taoism.

Outside, at the entrance of the Ecumenical Centre, sits a bronze Kun Iam (Goddess of Mercy) statue, sitting at 20 metres tall, above a lotus flower base. The centre includes a digital and printed media library, hosting occasional cultural events, including concerts and film screenings.

The complex is open daily (except Fridays) from 10:00 to 18:00 p.m. Admission is free.

Visitors to the Centre would be advised not to miss out on the Macao Science Centre and Macau Tower, which are both situation midway along Av. Dr. Sun Yat-Sen.

Contact Details

Kun Iam Statue, Avenida de Sun Yat-sen
853-2875 1516

The Centre
10:00 - 18:00

Closed on Fridays


Dr. Sun Yat Sen Municipal Park

Avenide do Comendador Ho Yin, Macau

Museum of the Macau Security Forces

Calçada dos Quartéis, Macau
(853) 2855 9999

Macau Tower

Largo da Torre de Macau, Macau
(853) 2893 3339