Lavande Teppanyaki is a two-level restaurant offering French cuisine done up in a Japanese Teppanyaki style.
What this means is that guests will see a big iron plate placed in front of them, having their food cooked right before their eyes.
Must-try dishes include the A5 Graded Wagyu Beef and the Australian Lobster. Dinner sets are available.
Guests take note, the Teppanyaki plate is very hot, and care is advised. Also, many aromatic flavours are released during the cooking process, and guests are advised against wearing clothes that quickly absorb odours.
Contact Details
Avenida do Governador Jaime Silvério Marques 114, Zhu Kuan Building R/C, Loja AA, Macau | |
(853) 2875 0794 | |
12:00 - 15:00 |