Macau International Fireworks Display Contest

Macau: Fireworks


Every fall, Macau hosts the Macau International Fireworks Display Contest over the course of several weekends in September at the waterfront beside Macau Tower. The event coincides with the Mid-Autumn festival and culminates in an extravaganza on October 1st, the national day of the People’s Republic of China.

With more than one hundred teams competing, the Macau International Fireworks Display Contest is among the best of its kind in the world. Supporting contests for photography, students’ drawings and trophy design ensure participation for the spectators as well. Guests interested in a clear view onto the spectacle should avoid the crowds at the carpark next to the Macau Tower. Better options include the plaza between the Praia Grande and Nam Van Lakes, and the Taipa waterfront between the Macau-Taipa and Sai Van bridges (for the latter, keep in mind that taxis are hard to flag down so alternative options like Uber may be a better idea).

For travelers interested in indulging themselves, remember to check with Macau’s premier hotels which offer packages with a front-row seat ensuring the best possible view of the fireworks.

Contact Details

Sea Area in front of the Macau Tower, Macau
(853) 2831 5566

2/9, 9/9, 16/9, 23/9, 1/10
21:00 and 21:40


Performance Lake

Rua Cidade de Sintra, Nape, Wynn Hotel, Macau
(853) 2888 9966

The House of Dancing Water

1/F City of Dreams, Estrada Do Istmo, Cotai, Macau
Macau: (853) 8868 6767
Hong Kong: 800 900 783
China: 4001 203 316
Taiwan: 008 01876037

Macau Grand Prix

The Guia Circuit, starts from No. 207, Av da Amizade, Edif. do Grande Premio, Macau
(853) 8796 2242