Yan Kee

Yan Kee Macau: Entrance


Winner of the 2016 “I Food Macau” Award, Yan Kee offers diners Singaporean cuisine in contemporary ambience, while still retaining the local ‘tea restaurant’ feel.

This restaurant is away from the major tourist sites of Macau, so expect to see few tourist here, unless they have specifically made the trek

Must-try dishes include the Hainanese Chicken Rice (55 MOP, $7 USD), ask for hot sauce to go with the rice; and the ‘Bak Kut Teh’, a savoury broth made with pork ribs and Chinese herbs and spices.

English-speaking guests should be aware that this restaurant may not have an English menu.

Contact Details

Rua da Bacia Sul, No. 19, E-RC, Macau
(853) 2823 2829

11:00 - 24:00


Culinaria Vietnamita Cho Lon

Avenida Xian Xing Hai No. 419 Seng Hoi Hou Teng, R/C U, Macau
(853) 2850 9200

Solmar Restaurant

G/F& M/F, 8-10 Travessa da Praia Grande, Avenida de Almeida Ribeiro, Macau
(853) 2888 1881

San Thai Ouk

Rua dos Hortelãos, No 147, Edf. Wah Keng Un (Bloco 1), R/C, Macau
(853) 2842 2000